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Isn't it ironic? (diptych)

So similar in appearance, but one is built for exercise, the other is not.

I took some inpiration from the great diptych photo collages put together by Clay Enos. I just needed to wait till I could find two things that I really thought "fit" well together. Sadly, the topic was closer then I expected.

Oh well, at least I can laugh about my gut.

How Books, Photo Idea Index - Book Review

Photo Idea Index

Think of a person you are photographing as a noun, and what they are doing as a verb. In these terms, a photo of a person doing something becomes a complete "visual sentence."

This is a quote from the Photo Idea Index by Jim Krause from HOW books. It's billed as "Not your typical "how to" digital photography book. I completely agree. I've loved the entire series of idea index books, from layout index to color index. The photo idea index doesn't disappoint from the tradition established by this series.

The gist of the book is to get your creative juices flowing and not outright blantantly say "do this". If you are struggling with a photo concept or way to shoot something, just thumbing through the book sparks ideas like the passage above. On a recent shoot, this metaphor was in my mind and I was saying to myself while looking at the composition thinking, "what does this sentence say". Does it have a period? Exclamation?

So, spark your interest. Get this book. I highly recommend it.

Buy Photo Idea Index at
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Episode #003 EdHidden PhotoCast - Guests

Episode 003 of - PhotoCast (Photography Podcast) is here.

I tried a little something different this week. This podcast is now just an MP3 file and not an enhanced podcast to share with a greater audience. I hope it's well recieved. In future shows, I'll work on putting the enhanced portion of the podcast on the web in a flash movie.

In this episode, I have a brief interview with a talented young photographer and Ethen Myerson checks in from a recent Vancouver Mini'Lypse. View the images from the Vancouver Mini'Lypse.


Download the MP3 File Directly without subscribing here.




New EdHidden Photocast Podcast Album Art?

Edhidden PhotoCast Podcast Album Art

I was playing with some lighting tonight and decided to try some new album art for the Photocast Podcast. There is a new show coming this weekend and I hope to have the new art ready and in place by then.

I'm also looking at switching from the Enhanced Podcast format to a straight MP3 format and just put graphics end of the show on the web. Production of the Enhanced podcast is a bit much for everything I'm currently involved in and want to speed up production of the shows so I can get more out and share more with you guys (and maybe even expand the audience a little more). So tell a friend, won't you?

Comments are always welcome.
Send audio file feedback to EdHidden at