Jump Starting The Creative Idea - Finding your photo passion

If you've ever hit a creative slump, writers block or just not inspired by recent work... it happens... this podcast episode is a must listen to.
Hearing words like these really get me missing our podcast that is currently on hiatus. The gems still found in the LightSource podcast was amazing and chatting with all these wonderful guests for an hour or so was something I'll always remember. I still get emails with people begging and asking for more episodes and while it isn't on the current list of "to dos", I wouldn't say there will never be another episode! It was a lot of fun.
I've been focusing more firing up my passion for my own work though. Digging through my mountain of iStockphoto.com uploads and getting more of my past work seen and sold so I can move on to creating new work. It's exciting. Bring on spring and the outdoor shooting season!
Find out more about the inspirational LensWork Podcasts available at