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Entries in DSLR (2)


Follow up to my D7000 testing

This is a follow up to the post yesterday about the Nikon D7000. I did a quick test with a hot-shoe mounted external microphone. I'm very impressed. It isolated all the focus motor noise and it did a really decent job of picking up the speakers voice. I do need to work with different settings to get to know what gain levels work for different situations.

But in the meantime, here's a sample clip.

Coworker about a coworker (d7000 test video) from Ed Hidden on Vimeo.

Quick silly interview with a coworker while testing the D7000 and the boom mic. I really like this setup. Makes me want to upgrade my old 5D to something with Video now. Wish a 5D Mkiii would be announced soon but who knows. Might have to go T3I till the big boy comes out.



You sir, are a traitor!

I was playing with some new gear we got for work [Nikon D7000] and I'm really impressed. For a Canon guy, I could see myself owning that camera. Video is really cool on it and I haven't taken a bad picture yet.

Stepping back from the brand issues for a moment, I have to analyze it and say, "what is different with this kit from my camera gear?" I think I'd have to say that it would be glass. I have taken the "third party" route when I was buying lenses when I got started. But, I wasn't making a decent income with it at the time, so the really good glass was hard to justify. And it's worked "reasonably well" so I haven't really been compelled to replace it.

I'm now at the point where my main lenses are seeing some wear... My speedlites are several generations old and my tech isn't really relevant anymore.

Does it sound like I'm considering switching camera camps?

It's hard to say. When I invested in Canon, it was because it was the current tech. Nikon was playing catch up then. Now the field is a bit more even. If I had my choice, I'd probably elect for a Canon 5D MkIII (Yes, I'm aware that it doesn't exist yet... that we are aware of. And the best rumors place that at fall.) Either way, when I do an upgrade, I'm probably looking at some new glass as well. Something more durable, with better quality lenses in it.

I think that might be the biggest thing I've become so impressed with this Nikon D7000. It's a better grade lens then the model I'm currently using. Maybe I just need a new lens to make my old 5D Mk I feel new again. (but I really love DSLR video now. lol.)