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Entries in mountain bike (8)


GoPro 3 Black Edition exposure concern?

Maybe I need to spend more time in the menu system of my GoPro 3. I haven't used it a lot lately and it's been a bit of a "point and pray" camera. I've gotten some images I really like from it... But not without some post processing. While I'm ok with that, I'd love to get the overall images "out of camera" a little better.

I realize that the shooting conditions I'm in are a bit tough to get a good shot when you have a camera on manual and time to analyze and "figure out the shot" so I guess a camera attached to the bar grabbing a shot every 2 or 5 seconds (forget where I set it) isn't really doing all that bad of a job. Most shots are a bit under exposed while under tree cover.

Anybody else experience this with the GoPro 3 while getting started with it?

(Small inset photos are RAW and the larger zoom is post processed.)


GoPro: Photo Mode.

Playing more and more with the GoPro, this time in photo mode. It's a little limiting... but still fun. Lighting is the big issue I'm finding right now. In heavily wooded shots, you'll see below that it leaves the shutter open a long time. It can be cool, but you'll get a lot of 'throw away' shots if the terrain is rough... which it is for mountain biking.

I am contemplating a 3D housing and not link the two cameras together, just set one on photo and the other on video. That would be interesting. Anyone try that one?

Anyway, on to the images. That's probably why you are here anyway.


Rattling Creek Singletrackers POV GoPro Video

A little ride from a RCST ride this past fall. Yes... I know there is a smudge on the screen. I need to get a new housing since I have a big scuff on it right where the center of the lens would be. (unless someone knows of a good way to fix it....)

IMBA credited these trails with the "Epic" status for 2011. Read more about this great riding area here.


Rattling Creek Singletrackers Bridge Replacement

Stopped by the RCST club today to help them replace the bridges washed away by Hurricane Irene. Luckily, there was quite a team that was on hand to help with this task. It really makes you appreciate all the hard work that people put into these great trails so that we can ride them!

Thanks everyone that does what they do!


Inspired By Passion

I love all sorts of cycling photography. It’s such a simple, elegant machine. One guy that inspires me is Cycleangelo (great moniker!... what else would you call a cycling artist?) He has a great site and a couple really cool series of images he’s worked on over the years. I’ve always loved his “bike portrait” series. . (anyone know how he gets some of these bikes to seemingly stand on their own? Photoshop? Magic?)

This series inspired me to capture a similar portrait of my new ride (profile, drive side, captured in the location where it’s ridden.) I realize it’s far from a fixie (3x10) but hopefully Cycleangelo would approve ;-)