More GoPro summer fun

As the summer kicks into full effect, it is action sports time once again. And since a good photographer “shoots what he loves”, I’m back into the sports shooting scene again. Actually, It is more sports “video” currently with the GoPro Hero action camera.
I’ve loved this little camera and I’ve been using it quite a lot lately. I’ve been taking it kayaking at the Outer Banks (NC) and even hauled it out into the surf with my son playing around at the beach and set it into photo mode.
I’ve posted a few recent kayak trip videos and today is no different. This particular video was shot at 720p60 and interpreted the footage down to 30fps to get a natural smooth motion slo-mo effect. It really helped enhance the relaxing mood of floating along the Yellow Breeches creek here in south central PA.
Next up… more bicycling and more motorcycling videos/photos. The biggest downfall of owning a GoPro is the frantic neuroses of where do you mount the camera next. There must be an actual name for it condition (add a comment if you have a suggestion and we’ll coin the phrase.)
Kayak Trip (with Friends) from Ed Hidden on Vimeo.