[photojojo] - Tag-Team Photography
Thursday, October 1, 2009 at 9:36PM
I love a good mash-up.
- Jay-Z and Linkin Park made a great one.
- Tuan Nyguyen was a guest on our LightSource Podcast available at who has some amazing collaborations.
- Tyler Stalman recently blogged about an illustrator that was using his stock photography as the basis for some illustrations showcasing his talent.
Well, photojojo did a riff on the collaboration idea in their recent newsletter. It's not quite as extreme as these examples, but it's something that is well within the grasp of the "everyday/weekend or even advanced amateur photographer". No photoshop wizardry required for this one.
Check out this neat little idea and go take pictures and create something cool.
(Bill, wanna try? Might even be interesting to try this concept from the same shoot or even a photowalk.)
tagged collaborate, creative, idea, photojojo in Photography, Sharing