Follow up to my D7000 testing

This is a follow up to the post yesterday about the Nikon D7000. I did a quick test with a hot-shoe mounted external microphone. I'm very impressed. It isolated all the focus motor noise and it did a really decent job of picking up the speakers voice. I do need to work with different settings to get to know what gain levels work for different situations.
But in the meantime, here's a sample clip.
Coworker about a coworker (d7000 test video) from Ed Hidden on Vimeo.
Quick silly interview with a coworker while testing the D7000 and the boom mic. I really like this setup. Makes me want to upgrade my old 5D to something with Video now. Wish a 5D Mkiii would be announced soon but who knows. Might have to go T3I till the big boy comes out.