Find Me

Ashley at night

I thought I'd post another shot of Ashley that I worked with last week. I tried a little bit of a cross-process, desaturated, high contrast approach to it. I think it makes for an interesting photograph.

Ashley can be found on


Quick aside about Model Mayhem: I want to thank the developers of that site. I had podcasted about this subject on an early show. I wanted a way to search for models via zip code and find ones in a radius instead of just geographically. It seems that they heard my words and gave me what I want (yeah right, I'm sure that was the reason ;-)

Does anyone know if this feature is available in the higher levels of the One Model Place accounts? I like being a photographer on that site, but I seem to be getting more valuable contacts lately on What site is your preference?

Update on Photo from Saturday

Ashley Stalked

Thought I'd post on of the other options from this set. This one has a little more tension to the photo concept

Anatomy of a photograph concept

With my photos, I do my best work methodically and thought out beforehand. I plan a session in my head. I take these thoughts and write them down in a moleskin notebook whenever they come to me. Maybe it's during lunch, morning, anywhere really, I try to always keep one moleskin reporter with me at all times. released a new feature this year called BuyRequest. It allows graphic designers or art directors to request a photo to be produced that may not already exist in's collection. There was a request about a month ago for a shot of "a women being followed in a tunnel or some place secluded." I had planned to answer this request, but for a multitude of reasons, I didn't get the shot completed in time.

But I still had some concepts created for this, that I liked and thought about everytime I passed the location. I just HAD to produce them to stop thinking about them.

So, last night, armed with my new Alien Bee Vagabond Battery Pack power system and two Alien Bee 800s and two models from Ashely and Chris ) I got the shots I'd been looking for.

It was great to work with Ashley and Chris and I look forward to doing more work with them and the new equipment.

So, this is my secret, how I work. How I envision a concept and what the end result looks like. Not very "secret", but it's how I come up with work. Grab a pen and give it a shot for yourself. See if you can't pre-visuallize your next photoshoot.

(still shooting on Canon 10D. Canon 5D is still in transit. Photos have minor processing to them. Will probably get some rework before releasing them to my collection.)

PhotoCast - Photography Podcast Episode 004

In this episode, I talk about an excerpt from a good book I picked up, Photo Idea Index by Jim Krause from HOW books. In addition, I talk about my new digital workflow tool, iView Media 3 Pro and my favorite feature, Lightbox (not to be confused with Adobe's Lightroom). Look for more features on iView Media 3 Pro in upcoming episodes.


Download the MP3 File Directly without subscribing here.


Filmloop - Ed Hidden's Favorite Pics

I had posted this a few weeks ago and the link didn't work. It seems like it's working now.