HDR Skyline Drive - Touring On The Motorcycle

Last week I took a little trip to Virginia to ride the Skyline Drive on the motorcycle. We encountered a bit of rain, but at least the photos had some "atmosphere" to them.

Last week I took a little trip to Virginia to ride the Skyline Drive on the motorcycle. We encountered a bit of rain, but at least the photos had some "atmosphere" to them.
Playing more and more with the GoPro, this time in photo mode. It's a little limiting... but still fun. Lighting is the big issue I'm finding right now. In heavily wooded shots, you'll see below that it leaves the shutter open a long time. It can be cool, but you'll get a lot of 'throw away' shots if the terrain is rough... which it is for mountain biking.
I am contemplating a 3D housing and not link the two cameras together, just set one on photo and the other on video. That would be interesting. Anyone try that one?
Anyway, on to the images. That's probably why you are here anyway.
As riding season is JUST around the corner, I have been reviewing some cycle photos I'd taken last fall. It was reading a blog this evening about a blogger who went to the Ephrata "first Sunday" ride today. Brrr. Seems people are really hardcore. Great to see that!
These are my shots I captured last all on a "guys say out"... Me, my boys, and my Dad (and friends). That was a fun day. More to come this year I'm sure.
Seems that two wheels is the transport mode of the week! Thank goodness spring is turning here. It's starting to "green up" outside and more people are outside enjoying the city making an editorial istockphoto shoot more and more attractive.
Took a little break from the scene to snag a shot of my trusty steed while it was waiting for me to return to finishing the ride.