When talking to people about inspiration and creativity in the many interviews we've heard on the LightSource Podcast from www.studiolighting.net, one thing continues to pop up: "Shoot what you love."

Recently, I've started bicycle commuting to work. I know... "why don't you wait till the hottest part of the year to start that, dummy!" It was only misserable the first ride, now that I have a few weeks under the belt it's much easier AND more fun. As usual, my internet surfing has shifted to cycling and bike commuting. I also browsed a little bit on Flickr in the bicycling group and stumbled on some great sites: Cycloangelo's tumblr micro-blog documenting fixies in NYC, Bike commuting, peopleforbikes.org to name a few.
One that really captured my attention and instantly was added to my Google Reader feed was www.gnatlikes.com. Gnat works for Salsa Bicycles by day and is a serious photography hobbyist. His blog blends his interest in cycling and photography really well and it's gotten me meditating on that original thought a little more. So, armed with my point & shoot camera I took a few shots on my commute the other evening.
I learned a few things:
- Shooting while riding is hard
- Gnat takes really great pics from the saddle
- Compact P&S camera... not a DSLR
- Pick your place you are shooting... don't do it in traffic!
I hope to drag a camera along on the group ride Thursday evening and we'll see what I snap then... as well as the Sunday mountain bike ride in York (any locals wanna join me?)

One of the reasons I ride to work... Glad I'm not there!

Chasing down some fellow commuter who doesn't even know he's in a race.

My whip