Find Me

Single Light Source - AB800

Kidcast with Kyle

I did this shot of my son when he was begging me to record a podcast (yes, he's wanting to do one too. We are just "playing" with his show right now.) But he was getting a bit pouty when I wouldn't let him. And this was the shot that resulted.

Light Setup: One BIG sheet of light cotton fabric clamped to the basement ceiling to be a "curtain". One Alien Bee 800 with a bare bulb placed behind the curtain. Effectively making the curtain a HUGE softbox behind Kyle. Then a wedge of FoamCore board standing on it's end was placed in front of Kyle to camera right for frontal fill.

Settings: ISO 100, F5.6, 29mm Sigma, Canon 10D

PhotoCast Episode_001

The official first episode of - PhotoCast is here. In this episode, we'll cover some basics on getting started working with models.

(this is an enhanced podcast. It must be viewed on a color iPod, through iTunes or can be downloaded and viewed via QuickTime Player. There are plans afoot for other possible delivery methods if the public demands it. )

Download the Enhanced File Directly without subscribing here.

Seeing the light

I finally got a set of studio strobes and started playing last night. I didn't spend TOO much time on different lighting setups, but I liked this one.

Believe it or not, that wasn't shot against a white seamless background. It was a gray cinderblock wall in my basement. I just bomboarded it with light!



I am playing with some new software and thought I'd try this out and see how it works. Check it out. It's pretty interesting.

** Ok.. WordPress is screwing up the code somewhere, because it works elsewhere. ** (check out

Apple, Please don't let me down!

[finger crossed]

Well, I finally found a place to contact the iTunes Suport staff. It was a bit convoluted, but I finally found a form. I was told that my question will be answered in 72 hours. Hopefully, I'll be able to report soon that I've gotten a fix to my podcast being submitted to the store.