Photographic Creativity

I always loving hearing how people are inspired to create what they do. It's really the key to taping into your own creative engine. Recently on TWIP Fredrick Van suggested to listen to music while on a photowalk to help inspire a mood. I've heard about editing to music, but shooting to a sound track isn't an interesting concept. Obviously, this would only work in "passive photography" and not if you needed to direct a subject. (That would be an interesting experiment, put on ear buds and shut out your model while shooting them directionless... maybe listening to the same music or even completely opposite music... Might not be as silly as I think. lol)
inspiration spans mediums too. A recent TV commercial for a new Ron Howard production is rather interesting (sponsored by Canon). He has created Project Imagin8ion. It's the first user-generated photo contents to inspire a Hollywood shot film. Photos were submitted, people are currently voting (ends shortly after this is posted) and then these photos will be used as the inspiration for a new film. It's an interesting concept. Get people to send you stuff to jazzed about.
The other project that is interesting is the It's a social media project by Chase Jarvis (Is anyone getting tired of me blogging about that guy yet? lol.) People submit photos and he's the "curator" for a gallery in a hotel in NYC for the month. Select photos make the wall... and some are showcased in a special framed section. Photos change daily... He has posted a few videos on his site that are worth watching.
What will all this inspire me to create?
What have I missed? If you have found any interesting inspirational projects, drop a comment below.
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