Desertlypse IV - istockphoto Minilypse in Arizona

Just did an iStockphoto Minilypse in Arizona (Desertlypse IV). The trip was awesome. The weather was outstanding. It made it hard coming back to the "coming winter" about to hit this area. Aside from great models and locations a few trip highlights included:
- Being picked up at the airport by SnapFactory's Mark Wallace and having a burger and a beer.
- A near-miss with a javelina
- A pre-lypse hike in the desert (see pics below)
- Fellow photographers I haven't seen in one year or two years.
- Harrassing photographers I just met (you know who you are, lol)
- Phoney mustaches from grocery store kids toy vending machine
- Hectic, but fun shooting schedule
- Ending it all, with a sunset shoot and giving a shot at some HDR technique.
Check out my YouTube channel for some cool behind the scenes from the trip.
Here are a few of the MANY shots that need keywording for submission to my portfolio.
trip in

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