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iStockphoto Photos Found in Public

My boss got this magazine for the Raven's football team the other day and opened the cover and found one of his employees sitting inside the front page.


Read more about why this is really ironic

Now what is even funnier about this "finding", I know that a former Art School Classmate of mine works at the ad agency that has the Raven's account. So, it's possible that the designer that worked on this, knew me back when.

In another finding...
I found a photo from a fellow iStockphoto Inspector, Andipantz (Andrea Gingrich) on a billboard for Belco.


Reader Comments (5)

wow, that is just wild... you're more than famous now, Ed! First at the doors of foo-foo Calabasas neighborhoods in So. California, now Raven's season ticket-holders... you're definitely getting around. :)
August 30, 2006 | Unregistered Commentermarianofriginal
Thanks Mariano.

It's kind of sad, I don't get nearly as excited as I used to about "finding my images" anymore. The novelty of it has certainly worn off a little. Still, it's cool.

I've been told of image findings by my boss in a trade publication. There was a VH1 show that used an image in a bumper graphic. And another one was a regional bank newsletter that everyone I know seemed to have gotten.

So, yeah, iStockphotos are pretty widespread. I saw three driving to work the other day on billboards.
August 30, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterEd
Well if you aren't so excited.... I'm excited for you!!! This is such a cool usage. Practically a full page in a slick brochure. :D That's just awesome.
October 27, 2006 | Unregistered Commentermari
As the novelty wears off its even worse when you think of how much bigger your bank account should be with kind of image use. Feeling the burn of micro-stock hurts.
February 16, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterCH
Hmm... It's not that at all.

I've been in the graphic design industry for almost 20 years now. And the microstock industry for about 5. I'm not concerned at all about he size of my bank account. From what I've read about averages of a stock photographers average income per image of their entire portfolio... I'm doing just fine.

I've seen my design work on billboards, on TV, I pass a bus every day to work that I did the logo design and bus design. The novelty has nothing to do with "micro-stock". It's part of a person accepting that it's part of their profession and it becoming routine. That's all.
February 21, 2007 | Unregistered Commentermotoed

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