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PhotoCast - Photography Podcast #004 - Finding Your Style

In this episode of's Photography Podcast, I try something new by recording on the road. I need to do something to get shows out on a more regular basis and maybe this system will help. Let me know your comments on what you think of the quality of it. I'm still "monkeying with microphone position" and such, but I think it just might be the trick!

This show, I talk about style and what I think about mine... and things I've realized thanks to the photo special of the PDN (Photo District News) magazine. I love PDN, it's a great magazine and by looking at the pics in this issue, I realize a little something about myself and give you an exercise to see if you can identify your photographic style. Knowing this, will help you develop your style to shoot pictures more to your tastes (I think, post here if it helps you at all.)


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Comments welcome!
Podshow PDN {podshow-38b1b1deee9b83e57888fe19e8c68f1d}

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    Very good Web site, Preserve the good work. thnx!

Reader Comments (2)

Well I enjoyed this show - just one point really about style that is really something to think about.After listening to all your shows in one batch, I feel i've waited for ages for this latest one. I was surprised by the quality of the audio if you were in the car. Were you driving? Quiet car..More this way please, if it needs to be to get them regularly.

June 12, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterMaf
Thank you. I did in fact record this in the car. I did some post processing to the sound to eliminate as much as noise as I could and the music helped cover it up as well.
June 13, 2006 | Unregistered Commentermotoed

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