Photo Sightings

It's always great to hear where your stock photos get used. It's even cooler when co-workers see your image somewhere and ask you about it. I've had my boss flipping through a trade publication to find me staring back at her (wish I had been present to see the look on her face for that.) I've had a co-worker see my face on a VH1 TV show. And now this morning, I had a co-worker bring in a flyer from PSECU (A Pennsylvania credit union) that had my image right above the address panel.
(and to top it off, we had a block party this weekend in our neighborhood. At least 6 people came up to me and said, "Hi Bob". Bob was my name in the article from the flyer.)
(and to top it off, we had a block party this weekend in our neighborhood. At least 6 people came up to me and said, "Hi Bob". Bob was my name in the article from the flyer.)

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