Difference Of Opinion

Sometimes I read things that gets me in a fighting mood. My co-worker and I get into the old "PC vs. Mac" fight quite often. Today, I'm picking a fight with Best Life magazine (a division of Men's Health). That's right, I'm "calling you out".
I'm not sure what bothers me most about this blurb. The fact that the company suggests that the Canon i9900 is the only way to go, or that fact that I would have said the same thing about a different printer.
I'm sure the Canon i9900 printer is a good printer. Most of the expensive ones are. I personally can't see spending $500 for a dye-based printer. I know the Epson R1800 wasn't available when the magazine went to press, but it offers the same print size, pigmented inks with 100+ fade free resistance and the best prints I've ever seen… for $550 retail. If you only need 8.5x14 and smaller, the same technology is available as the R800 for $399. Plus, Epson offers a CD tray for printing onto CDs.
There many great things to say about these two new Epson Printers that I can't begin to wrap up in this short review. Just a quick google search would find you many in depth reviews on these printers. I think they are the best prints I've seen, personally.
This is why I have embraced pigmented ink printers. They have a life far superior to standard C-41 prints (normal color processing prints from film negatives). After doing research, I found that many pigment ink printers have a life superior to many other forms of printing (including many online printer services that only have a 60 year life span). The Epson Ultra-Chrome printers have lifespan upwards of 100+ years on different papers and I believe that that quality is much better.
I'm sure I'll be back to this topic. Printmaking is an art in itself.
Best Photo Printer - Canon i9900
The Best Way to Buy One.
Skip Stapes. Go directly to Canon for the i990 ($500) and a CarePak ($135), a 3-year extended service plan that includes a replacement printer if something goes wrong.
I'm not sure what bothers me most about this blurb. The fact that the company suggests that the Canon i9900 is the only way to go, or that fact that I would have said the same thing about a different printer.
I'm sure the Canon i9900 printer is a good printer. Most of the expensive ones are. I personally can't see spending $500 for a dye-based printer. I know the Epson R1800 wasn't available when the magazine went to press, but it offers the same print size, pigmented inks with 100+ fade free resistance and the best prints I've ever seen… for $550 retail. If you only need 8.5x14 and smaller, the same technology is available as the R800 for $399. Plus, Epson offers a CD tray for printing onto CDs.
There many great things to say about these two new Epson Printers that I can't begin to wrap up in this short review. Just a quick google search would find you many in depth reviews on these printers. I think they are the best prints I've seen, personally.
Quote from Review of the Epson R800 against it's competitors:
"The conclusion is easy to draw: If you're looking only for quality, the Stylus Photo R800 is the only choice. In all areas - including black and white - it is the printer with the best fidelity of reproduction."
This is why I have embraced pigmented ink printers. They have a life far superior to standard C-41 prints (normal color processing prints from film negatives). After doing research, I found that many pigment ink printers have a life superior to many other forms of printing (including many online printer services that only have a 60 year life span). The Epson Ultra-Chrome printers have lifespan upwards of 100+ years on different papers and I believe that that quality is much better.
I'm sure I'll be back to this topic. Printmaking is an art in itself.

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